Thermal fluctuations in resonant motion of fluxons on a Josephson transmission line: Theory and experiment

E. Jørgensen, V. P. Koshelets, Roberto Monaco, Jesper Mygind, Mogens Rugholm Samuelsen, M. Salerno

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The radiation emission from long and narrow Josephson tunnel junctions dc-current biased on zero-field steps has been ascribed to resonant motion of fluxons on the transmission line. Within this dynamic model a theoretical expression for the radiation linewidth is derived from a full statistical treatment of thermal fluctuations in the fluxon velocity. The result appears to be very general and is corroborated by experimental determination of linewidth and frequency of radiation emitted from overlap Nb-I-Pb junctions.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number15
Pages (from-to)1093-1096
Publication statusPublished - 1982

Bibliographical note

Copyright (1982) by the American Physical Society.


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