Thermal dissociation of ultrafine passivated Ni powder

Allan Schrøder Pedersen, S.A. Sethi, Morten Mostgaard Eldrup

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Ultrafine metallic nickel was produced by the evaporation/condensation technique and subsequently passivated by controlled exposure to atmospheric air. The kinetic and thermodynamic properties of this material during heating in inert gas was studied by microgravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry and differential thermal analysis. The properties were found to be significantly different from the properties of commercial nickel oxide, viz. a smaller stability and a higher dissociation rate of the ultrafine material. The dissociation upon heating in He was found to be composed of two steps and the activation energies of the steps were measured to be 136 and 26 kJ/mol respectively.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNanostruct. Mater.
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)79-86
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


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