Thermal decomposition of yttrium(III) propionate and butyrate

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The thermal decompositions of yttrium(III) propionate monohydrate (Y(C2H5CO2)3·H2O) and yttrium(III) butyrate dihydrate (Y(C3H7CO2)3·2H2O) were studied in argon by means of thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, IR-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and hot-stage microscopy. These two compounds follow a similar decomposition path starting with dehydration, which is complete at 110°C. The dehydrated salts convert to a dioxycarbonate (Y2O2CO3) via an unstable intermediate product (probably Y2O(C2H5CO2)4 and Y2O(C3H7CO2)4 for the propionate and butyrate respectively), with the evolution of CO2 and a symmetrical ketone consisting of 3-pentanone and 4-heptanone respectively. Final conversion to Y2O3 takes pace with release of CO2. Elemental carbon that is left as a by-product is finally slowly burned by the residual oxygen present in the Ar atmosphere. Fusion is observed at ≈110°C in anhydrous yttrium butyrate, whereas no melting was evidenced in the propionate. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Pages (from-to)185-192
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Yttrium
  • Propionate
  • Butyrate
  • Thermal decomposition
  • TG/DTA
  • IR
  • X-ray powder diffraction


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