The present invention concerns therapeutics for autoimmune diseases and provides removal of inflammation-causing autoantibodies. In order to target the disease in the most efficient manner, a nanoconjugate complex is provided, comprising at least one specific antigen component recognized by autoantibodies related to the autoimmune disease, at least one helper moiety, and a nanoparticle carrier connecting the components. Each component of the therapeutic nanoconjugate complex has a specific function, yielding a nanoconjugate complex which facilitates specific binding, forming a stable antibody- therapeutic complex in the blood stream and rapid clearance of this complex to the liver.
Original language | English |
IPC | A61P 13/ 12 A I |
Patent number | WO2019149946 |
Filing date | 02/02/2018 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 02/02/2018 |
Priority number | EP20180154924 |
Publication status | Published - 8 Aug 2019 |