Theories of subharmonic gap structures in superconducting junctions

L.E. Hasselberg, M. T. Levinsen, Mogens Rugholm Samuelsen

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The two theories of subharmonic gap structures in superconducting junctions, multiparticle tunneling and self-coupling due to an electromagnetic field set up by the ac Josephson current, are analyzed when microwaves are applied. Both theories give the same location in voltage for the microwave-induced satellites and the same microwave-power dependence for the subharmonic gap structure and the satellites. Therefore other properties than these are to be considered in order to distinguish between the two theories. We suggest that self-coupling is the main cause of the subharmonic gap structure.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)3757-3765
Publication statusPublished - 1974

Bibliographical note

Copyright (1974) by the American Physical Society.


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