The Use of Double-Monotelodisomics to Identify Translocations in Triticum aestivum

Ib Linde-Laursen, J. Larsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    By analysing metaphase I of double-monotelodisomic hybrids between two varieties of hexaploid wheat differentiated by reciprocal translocations it is possible to establish reliably the chromosomes involved in each translocation. Also the chromosome parts translocated may be identified. The use of the double-monotelodisomic method should be especially valuable when the monosomic method has identified four or more chromosomes participating in multivalent formation in roughly similar frequencies. The method was used to confirm the 5BL-7BL translocation differentiating Cappelle Desprez from Chinese Spring and Starke and to show a 7AL-7DS translocation differentiating Starke from Cappelle Desprez and Chinese Spring.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalHereditas (Print)
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)245-250
    Publication statusPublished - 1974


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