The significance of fresh air

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


In a qualitative study on the use and significance of fresh air in private homes, the situations and times in which fresh air was used, several interesting social aspects relating to this practice came forward, challenging to some extent the practice theories focusing on skills & competencies as a major domain of the practice performed (a.o. Shove 2003, Shove & Pantzar 2005). Actions relating to the use of fresh air appeared as an integrative practice, constituting particular social domains. Deconstructing the use of fresh air highlighted 3 main dimensions relating to its significance:
a functional (practical features);
an aesthetic (bodily and sensory features); and
a social dimension (care and impression management).

The findings encourage to step away slightly from the current focus in design anthropology on action, moving towards a more phenomenological perspective of 'being' rather than 'acting' (realizing, of course, their interrelationship).

Original languageEnglish
Publication date2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes
Event11th EASA Biennial Conference: Crisis and imagination - National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland
Duration: 24 Aug 201027 Aug 2010


Conference11th EASA Biennial Conference
LocationNational University of Ireland Maynooth


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