The Recharging Infrastructure Needs for Long Distance Travel by Electric Vehicles: A Comparison of Battery-Switching and Quick-Charging Stations

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On-road electric vehicle recharging infrastructure is essential in the transformation of electric vehicles into a practical transportation option. This study focuses upon assessing the need for recharging infrastructure for long distance travel for a large market share of electric vehicles, finding the optimal infrastructure deployment, and understanding the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits associated with the optimal infrastructure deployment. The analysis considers quick-charging and battery-switching as plausible recharging technologies. Results show: (i) the promotion of electric vehicles is beneficial when considering economic costs and benefits for operators and users, tax redistribution, and environmental externalities, even with a relatively modest market share; (ii) the number of required recharging stations for satisfaction of the travel demand is at the magnitude of 1–2% of the current gasoline infrastructure, under the assumption of wide availability of off-road recharging at home and the workplace; (iii) the optimal deployment of the recharging stations is along the main national highways outside of urban conurbations, under the assumption of wide availability of home recharging; (iv) the battery-switching technology is far more attractive to the consumer than the quick-charging technology for long-distance travel requiring more than one recharging visit.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSpatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems
Editors Jean-Claude Thill
Number of pages21
Publication date2017
ISBN (Print)978-3-642-37895-9
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-642-37896-6
Publication statusPublished - 2017
SeriesAdvances in Geographic Information Science


  • Geography
  • Geographical Information Systems/Cartography
  • Electric vehicles
  • Recharging stations
  • Location optimization
  • Socio-economic analysis
  • Battery-switching
  • Quick-charging
  • Spatial-optimization
  • EVs


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