The Power of Multi-step Vizing Chains

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Recent papers have addressed different variants of the (Δ + 1)-edge-colouring problem by concatenating or gluing together many Vizing chains to form what Bernshteyn coined multi-step Vizing chains. In this paper, we consider the most general definition of this term and apply different multi-step Vizing chain constructions to prove combinatorial properties of edge-colourings that lead to (improved) algorithms for computing edge-colouring across different models of computation. This approach seems especially powerful for constructing augmenting subgraphs which respect some notion of locality. First, we construct strictly local multi-step Vizing chains and use them to show a local version of Vizing’s Theorem thus confirming a recent conjecture of Bonamy, Delcourt, Lang and Postle. That is, we show that there exists a proper edge-colouring of a graph such that every edge uv receives a colour from the list {1,2, …, max{d(u),d(v)}+1}. Our proof is constructive and also implies an O(n2 Δ) time algorithm for computing such a colouring. Then, we show that for any uncoloured edge there exists an augmenting subgraph of size O(Δ7logn), answering an open problem of Bernshteyn. Chang, He, Li, Pettie and Uitto show a lower bound of Ω(Δ log 𝑛 /Δ) for the size of augmenting subgraphs, so the upper bound is asymptotically tight up to Δ factors. These ideas also extend to give a faster deterministic LOCAL algorithm for (Δ + 1)-edge-colouring running in Õ(poly(Δ)log6 n) rounds. These results improve the dependency on logn compared to the recent breakthrough result of Bernshteyn, who showed the existence of augmenting subgraphs of size O(Δ6log2 n), and used these to give the first (Δ + 1)-edge-colouring algorithm in the LOCAL model running in O(poly(Δ, logn)) rounds. Finally for dynamic graphs, we show how to maintain a(1+ε)Δ-edge-colouring fully adaptive to Δ in O(ε−6 log9 n log6 Δ) worst-case update time w.h.p without any restrictions on Δ. This should be compared to the edge-colouring algorithm of Duan, He and Zhang that runs in O(ε−4log8 n) amortised update time w.h.p under the condition that Δ = Ω(ε−2log2 n). Our algorithm avoids the use of O(ε−1logn) copies of the graph, resulting in a smaller space consumption and an algorithm with provably low recourse.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
Publication date2023
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4503-9913-5
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventThe 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing - Orlando, United States
Duration: 20 Jun 202323 Jun 2023
Conference number: 55


ConferenceThe 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Edge-colouring
  • Distributed algorithms
  • Dynamic algorithms


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