The performance of transmission pipelines on february 6th, 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquake: a series of case studies

E. Uckan, M. Aksel, O. Atas, S. Toprak, E. S. Kaya*

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The Mw 7.8 earthquake that struck Kahramanmaras on February 6, 2023, caused significant damage to hydrocarbon and water transmission lines due to permanent ground deformations. Explosions occurred in the Kahramanmaras–Gaziantep Natural Gas transmission pipeline causing disruption of gas in the cities of Gaziantep and Hatay Fault Displacement Hazard. Water transmission pipelines were also damaged due to extreme fault offsets. This paper presents the findings from the earthquake affected zones. Particular attention was given to the performance of the 2600 mm diameter Duzbag–Gaziantep water transmission pipeline due to three reported challenges: (#1) The behavior of the pipe in the Duzbag tunnel, (#2) The pipe bend behavior at the fault crossing, and (#3) The pull-out of the pipe at valve room. Based on field observations, extreme damage forms at pipes were presented. A three-dimensional nonlinear numerical analysis was performed to simulate the observed damage of the reoriented water pipe at the fault crossing for Case #2. The nonlinear finite element model was able to capture the complex nature of the post-yield behavior of steel pipe as well as the damage locations along the pipe and their sequence of occurrences. As a mitigation measure for new pipes, the need for using flexible connections at critical crossings was highlighted. For existing pipes, the importance of developing secondary (by-pass) lines was emphasized.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2025


  • Fault crossings
  • Fault displacement hazard
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Kahramanmaras earthquake
  • Transmission pipelines
  • Water


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