The Particle-Matrix model: limitations and further improvements needed

Rolands Cepuritis, Stefan Jacobsen, Jon Spangenberg

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review

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    According to the Particle-Matrix Model (PMM) philosophy, the workability of concrete dependson the properties of two phases and the volumetric ratio between them: the fluid matrix phase (≤0.125 mm) and the solid particle phase (> 0.125 mm). The model has been successfully appliedto predict concrete workability for different types of concrete, but has also indicated that somepotential cases exist when its application is limited. The paper presents recent studies onimproving the method by analysing how the PMM one-point flow parameter λQ can beexpressed by rheological models (Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventNordic Concrete Research Symposium 2017 - Aalborg, Denmark
    Duration: 20 Aug 201723 Aug 2017


    ConferenceNordic Concrete Research Symposium 2017


    • Rheology
    • Matrix
    • FlowCyl
    • Yield stress
    • Plastic viscosity


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