The Juno Magnetic Field Investigation

J. E. P. Connerney, Mathias Benn, Jonas Bækby Bjarnø, Troelz Denver, J. Espley, John Leif Jørgensen, Peter Siegbjørn Jørgensen, P. Lawton, Anastassia Malinnikova Bang, José M.G. Merayo, S. Murphy, J. Odom, R. Oliversen, R. Schnurr, D. Sheppard, E. J. Smith

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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    The Juno Magnetic Field investigation (MAG) characterizes Jupiter’s planetary magnetic field and magnetosphere, providing the first globally distributed and proximate measurements of the magnetic field of Jupiter. The magnetic field instrumentation consists of two independent magnetometer sensor suites, each consisting of a tri-axial Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM) sensor and a pair of co-located imaging sensors mounted on an ultra-stable optical bench. The imaging system sensors are part of a subsystem that provides accurate attitude information (to ∼20 arcsec on a spinning spacecraft) near the point of measurement of the magnetic field. The two sensor suites are accommodated at 10 and 12 m from the body of the spacecraft on a 4 m long magnetometer boom affixed to the outer end of one of ’s three solar array assemblies. The magnetometer sensors are controlled by independent and functionally identical electronics boards within the magnetometer electronics package mounted inside Juno’s massive radiation shielded vault. The imaging sensors are controlled by a fully hardware redundant electronics package also mounted within the radiation vault. Each magnetometer sensor measures the vector magnetic field with 100 ppm absolute vector accuracy over a wide dynamic range (to 16 Gauss = 1.6 x 10per axis) with a resolution of ∼0.05 nT in the most sensitive dynamic range (±1600 nT per axis). Both magnetometers sample the magnetic field simultaneously at an intrinsic sample rate of 64 vector samples per second. The magnetic field instrumentation may be reconfigured in flight to meet unanticipated needs and is fully hardware redundant. The attitude determination system compares images with an on-board star catalog to provide attitude solutions (quaternions) at a rate of up to 4 solutions per second, and may be configured to acquire images of selected targets for science and engineering analysis. The system tracks and catalogs objects that pass through the imager field of view and also provides a continuous record of radiation exposure. A spacecraft magnetic control program was implemented to provide a magnetically clean environment for the magnetic sensors, and residual spacecraft fields and/or sensor offsets are monitored in flight taking advantage of Juno’s spin (nominally 2 rpm) to separate environmental fields from those that rotate with the spacecraft.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSpace Science Reviews
    Issue number1-4
    Pages (from-to)39–138
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Bibliographical note

    © The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at


    • Juno mission
    • Juno spacecraft
    • Jupiter
    • Magnetic cleanliness
    • Magnetic field
    • Magnetometer
    • Spacecraft magnetic control
    • Spaceflight instrumentation


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