The interactions of design, control and operability in reactive distillation systems

M.C. Georgiadis, Myrian Andrea Schenk, Stratos Pistikopoulos, Rafiqul Gani

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


In this work the design and control of a reactive distillation column, described by a rigorous dynamic model, is tackled via two different optimization approaches. In the first, the steady-state process design and the control system are optimized sequentially. It is shown that operability is a strong function of the process design and potential operability bottlenecks are identified. In the second approach, the process design and the control system are optimized simultaneously leading to a more economically beneficial and better controlled system than that obtained using the sequential approach. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
JournalComputers & Chemical Engineering
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)735-746
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • Reactive distillation
  • Process design
  • Process control
  • Dynamic optimization


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