The influence of the group delay of digital filters on acoustic decay measurements

Manuel A. Sobreira-Seoane, David Pérez Cabo, Finn Jacobsen

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    In this paper the error due to the phase response of digital filters on acoustic decay measurements is analyzed. There are two main sources of errors when an acoustic decay is filtered: the error due to the bandwidth of the filters related to their magnitude response, and the error due to their phase response. In this investigation the two components are separated and the phase error analyzed in terms of the group delay of the filters. Linear phase FIR filters and minimum phase IIR filters fulfilling the class 1 requirements of the IEC 61260 standard have been designed, and their errors compared. This makes it possible to explain the behavior of the phase error and develop recommendations for the use of each filtering technique. The paper is focused on the filtering techniques covered by current versions of the standards for measurement of acoustic decays and in the evaluation of the acoustic decay for narrow filters at low frequencies and low reverberation times (BT
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalApplied Acoustics
    Issue number9
    Pages (from-to)877-883
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Reverberation time
    • Digital filters
    • Group delay
    • Error
    • Acoustic decay


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