The influence of temperature dynamics and dynamic finite ion Larmor radius effects on seeded high amplitude plasma blobs

M. Held, M. Wiesenberger, Jens Madsen, A. Kendl

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Thermal effects on the perpendicular convection of seeded pressure blobs in the scrape-off layer of magnetised fusion plasmas are investigated. Our numerical study is based on a four field full-F gyrofluid model, which entails the consistent description of high fluctuation amplitudes and dynamic finite Larmor radius effects. We find that the maximal radial blob velocity increases with the square root of the initial pressure perturbation and that a finite Larmor radius contributes to highly compact blob structures that propagate in the poloidal direction. An extensive parameter study reveals that a smooth transition to this compact blob regime occurs when the finite Larmor radius effect strength, defined by the ratio of the magnetic field aligned component of the ion diamagnetic to the E×B vorticity, exceeds unity. The maximal radial blob velocities agree excellently with the inertial velocity scaling law over more than an order of magnitude. We show that the finite Larmor radius effect strength affects the poloidal and total particle transport and present an empirical scaling law for the poloidal and total blob velocities. Distinctions to the blob behaviour in the isothermal limit with constant finite Larmor radius effects are highlighted.
Original languageEnglish
Article number126005
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number12
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Gyrofluid
  • Scrape-off layer transport
  • Inertial regime
  • Finite Larmor radius effects


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