The Influence of Seed-borne N in 15N Isotope Dilution Studies with Legumes The Influence of Seed-borne N in 15N Isotope Dilution Studies with Legumes

Erik Steen Jensen, A. J. Andersen, J. D. Thomsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The distriution of seed-borne N in shoot and root of pea and field bean was studied using three methods: 1) determination of the N content in shoot and root of plants grown in sand culture without other N sources. 2) 15N isotope dilution in plants grown in Rhizobium-free medium supplied with 15N-labelled nitrate and 3) determination of the 15N-enrichment in shoot and root of plants in which the seed-borne N was labelled with 15N. The results from the three methods were concordant, showing that from 44 to 50% of the seed-borne N in the two species was located in above-ground plant parts. The effect of corrections for seed-borne N in studies of nitrogen fixation in legumes is discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalActa Agriculturae Scandinavica
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)438-443
    Publication statusPublished - 1985


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