The influence of outdoor thermal environment on young Japanese females

Tomonori Sakoi, Jin Ishii, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Zhecho Dimitrov Bolashikov, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Tetsumi Horikoshi

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    The influence of short wave solar radiation appears to be strong outdoors in summer, and the influence of airflow appears to be strong outdoors in winter. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influence of the outdoor environment on young Japanese females. This research shows the relationship between the physiological and psychological responses of humans and the enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature (ETFe). Subjective experiments were conducted in an outdoor environment. Subjects were exposed to the thermal environment in a standing posture. Air temperature, humidity, air velocity, short wave solar radiation, long wave radiation, ground surface temperature, sky factor, and the green solid angle were measured. The temperatures of skin exposed to the atmosphere and in contact with the ground were measured. Thermal sensation and thermal comfort were measured by means of rating the whole-body thermal sensation (cold-hot) and the whole body thermal comfort (comfortable-uncomfortable) on a linear scale. Linear rating scales are given for the hot (100) and cold (0), and comfortable (100) and uncomfortable (0) directions only. Arbitrary values of 0 and 100 were assigned to each endpoint, the reported values read in, and the entire length converted into a numerical value with an arbitrary scale of 100 to give a linear rating scale. The ETFe considered to report a neither hot nor cold, thermally neutral sensation of 50 was 35.9 °C, with 32.3 °C and 42.9 °C, respectively, corresponding to the low and high temperature ends of the ETFe considered to report a neither comfortable nor uncomfortable comfort value of 50. The mean skin temperature considered to report a neither hot nor cold, thermally neutral sensation of 50 was 33.3 °C, with 31.0 °C and 34.3 °C, respectively, corresponding to the low and high temperature ends of the mean skin temperature considered to report a neither comfortable nor uncomfortable comfort value of 50. The acceptability raised the mean skin temperature even for thermal environment conditions in which ETFe was high. © 2013 ISB.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Biometeorology
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)963-974
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • ETFe
    • Outdoor environment
    • Mean skin temperature
    • Sensational and physiological temperature
    • Thermal comfort
    • Thermal sensation


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