title = "The geochemistry of radionuclides with long half-lives. Their expected migration behaviour",
abstract = "The geochemical behaviour of the actinides and technetium is discussed on a thermodynamic basis. The compositions of ground water in deep underground formations are discussed. The components in ground water which may enhance migration by complexation are found to be primarily bicarbonate and carbonate ions; but organic acids, if present, may similarly enhance migration. Based on available data, stability-diagrams for the transuranium elements from uranium to americium under diverse conditions have been calculated. The diagrams identify the dominant species in solution, and in an accompanying diagram iso-concentration curves have been calculated, which show that the actinides may be expected to be very slightly soluble under the conditions existing in deep geological formations. The same is found to be the case for technetium. The adsorption of selected radionuclides onto clay components from Danish soils is discussed, and recent experimental data are presented. ",
keywords = "Ris{\o}-R-430",
author = "Jensen, {Bror Skytte}",
year = "1980",
language = "English",
isbn = "87-550-0712-0",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "430",
publisher = "Ris{\o} National Laboratory",