The Foundation for Application of Multi-Agent Technology In a Holonic Shop Floor Control Architecture

Gilad Langer, Arne Bilberg

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The emerging theory regarding Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS) presents a advantageous theoretical foundation for the control system of the manufacturing system of the future. Previous research, at the Department, has demonstrated how company tailored shop floor control can be developed by applying simulation and cell control enabling technologies. In order to continue this research effort new concepts and theories for shop floor control are investigated. This article presents an overview of the multi-agent concept based on a literature study. This is followed by an investigation regarding the adaptation and development of shop floor control architectures. The adaptation is aimed at providing a sound foundation for application of multi-agent technology. This will include a summary of the ongoing research on HMS, and current results regarding the development of a holonic SFC architecture in a cellular manufacturing perspective. Additionally, issues regarding the feasibility and extent of application of agents in holonic cellular shop floor control will be discussed. We will argue that this architecture is the needed foundation for implementation of agent technology in manufacturing system control. The work is based on a theoretical study of new manufacturing systems theories, research of agent multi-agent technology, and two case studies. It is part of a larger research project which aims at developing a multi-cell control architecture based on the Holonic Manufacturing System theory.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPassion for Integration in Manufacturing
    Publication date1997
    ISBN (Print)87-89867-46-7
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    EventPassion for Integration in Manufacturing: 12th IPS Research Seminar - Fuglsø, Denmark
    Duration: 14 Apr 199716 Apr 1997
    Conference number: 12


    ConferencePassion for Integration in Manufacturing

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