The Effect of (Ag, Ni, Zn)-Addition on the Thermoelectric Properties of Copper Aluminate

Shun-ichi Yanagiya, Ngo Van Nong, Jianxiao Jackie Xu, Nini Pryds

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    Polycrystalline bulk copper aluminate Cu1-x-yAgxByAlO2 with B = Ni or Zn were prepared by spark plasma sintering and subsequent thermal treatment. The influence of partial substitution of Ag, Ni and Zn for Cu-sites in CuAlO2 on the high temperature thermoelectric properties has been studied. The addition of Ag and Zn was found to enhance the formation of CuAlO2 phase and to increase the electrical conductivity. The addition of Ag or Ag and Ni on the other hand decreases the electrical conductivity. The highest power factor of 1.26 × 10-4 W/mK2 was obtained for the addition of Ag and Zn at 1,060 K, indicating a significant improvement compared with the non-doped CuAlO2 sample
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)318-328
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Magnetic refrigeration
    • Fuel Cells and hydrogen


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