The dynamic speckle-based wavemeter

Steen Grüner Hanson, Michael Linde Jakobsen, Maumita Chakrabarti

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Based on a previously devised speckle-based set-up for probing minute wavelength changes for a coherent field [1], [2] we will here present the first experiments where these changes are resolved on a millisecond time scale. The setup is based on probing the lateral shift of a speckle pattern arising from a slanted rough object, the speckle displacement being linearly proportional to the wavenumber change. Thus, by shearing the speckle pattern across a grating-like structure [3],[4] and [5], a frequency proportional to the frequency of the wavelength change can be derived as will the irradiance. Thus, a cordial display of the complex field amplitude may be obtained with a high temporal resolution and a reasonable spectral resolution. The spatial filter is here preliminarily implemented by recording the speckle pattern with a CMOS array with subsequent digital image processing mimicking the use of a spatial filter.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of SPIE
    Number of pages6
    PublisherSPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering
    Publication date2018
    Article number108342D
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event7th International Conference on Speckle Metrology - Bishop’s Castle in Janow Podlaski, Janow Podlaski, Poland
    Duration: 10 Sept 201812 Sept 2018
    Conference number: 7


    Conference7th International Conference on Speckle Metrology
    LocationBishop’s Castle in Janow Podlaski
    CityJanow Podlaski
    Internet address
    SeriesProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


    • Spectrometry
    • Speckle
    • Scattering


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