The complementary use of electron backscatter diffraction and ion channelling imaging for the characterization of nanotwins

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    On the example of electrodeposited nickel films, it is shown that unique information on twins with dimensions on the nanoscale can be obtained by suitable combination of ion channelling imaging and electron backscatter diffraction analysis, whereas both (routine) single techniques cannot meet the requirements for analysis of these films. High‐resolution electron backscatter diffraction is inadequate for full characterization of nanotwins, but image quality maps obtained from electron backscatter diffraction at least yield a qualitative estimation of the location and number of nanotwins. Complementing this information with ion channelling imaging provides more representative insights into the microstructure, because it supplements the quantitative investigation of the number and width of twin lamellae with additional crystallographic orientation analysis provided by EBSD. To this end, two methods for adjusting EBSD data based on ion channelling images are proposed. Thorough selection of the complementary techniques opens future perspectives for the investigation of other challenging samples with nanoscale features in the microstructure.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Microscopy
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)111-118
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • EBSD
    • FIB
    • High-resolution
    • Imaging
    • Nanotwin
    • Orientation


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