The Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker (ARTS), an exploration engine for antibiotic cluster prioritization and novel drug target discovery

Mohammad Alanjary, Brent Kronmiller, Martina Adamek, Kai Blin, Tilmann Weber, Daniel Huson, Benjamin Philmus, Nadine Ziemert

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With the rise of multi-drug resistant pathogens and the decline in number of potential new antibiotics in development there is a fervent need to reinvigorate the natural products discovery pipeline. Most antibiotics are derived from secondary metabolites produced by microorganisms and plants. To avoid suicide, an antibiotic producer harbors resistance genes often found within the same biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) responsible for manufacturing the antibiotic. Existing mining tools are excellent at detecting BGCs or resistant genes in general, but provide little help in prioritizing and identifying gene clusters for compounds active against specific and novel targets. Here we introduce the 'Antibiotic Resistant Target Seeker' (ARTS) available at ARTS allows for specific and efficient genome mining for antibiotics with interesting and novel targets. The aim of this web server is to automate the screening of large amounts of sequence data and to focus on the most promising strains that produce antibiotics with new modes of action. ARTS integrates target directed genome mining methods, antibiotic gene cluster predictions and 'essential gene screening' to provide an interactive page for rapid identification of known and putative targets in BGCs.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Pages (from-to)W42-W48
Publication statusPublished - 2017

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