Testing for knowledge: Application of machine learning techniques for prediction of flashover in a 1/5 scale ISO 13784‐1 enclosure

Arjan Dexters*, Rolff Ripke Leisted, Ruben Van Coile, Stephen Welch, Grunde Jomaas

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    A machine learning algorithm was applied to predict the onset of flashover in archival experiments in a 1/5 scale ISO 13784-1 enclosure constructed with sandwich panels. The experiments were performed to assess whether a small-scale model could provide a better full-scale correlation than the single burning item test. To predict the binary output, a regularized logistic regression model was chosen as ML environment, for which lasso-regression significantly reduced the amount of variance at a negligible increase in bias. With the regularized model, it was possible to discern the predictive variables and determine the decision boundary. In addition, a methodology was put forward on how to use the to update the learning algorithm iteratively. As a result, it was shown how a learning algorithm can be used to facilitate ongoing experimentation. At first as a crude guideline, and in later stages, as an accurate prediction algorithm. It is foreseen that, by iteratively updating the algorithm, by compiling existing and new experiments in databases, and by applying fire safety knowledge, the final learned algorithm will be able to make accurate predictions for unseen samples and test conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalFire and Materials
    Issue number6
    Pages (from-to)708-719
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Fire classification
    • Fire tests
    • Flashover
    • Machine learning
    • Sandwich panels


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