Test and Modelling of Commercial V2G CHAdeMO Chargers to Assess the Suitability for Grid Services

Antonio Zecchino*, Andreas Thingvad, Peter Bach Andersen, Mattia Marinelli

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    Aggregation and control of electric vehicles (EVs) via vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies is seen as a valid option for providing ancillary power system services. This work presents results from V2G-ready equipment tests and modelling. The technical capabilities of an EV connected to a commercial V2G charger are investigated when controlled either locally or remotely. The charger is characterized in terms of efficiency characteristics, activation time, response granularity, ramping-up/down time, accuracy and precision. Test results show the performance for different operating conditions, highlighting the importance of a good calibration and knowledge of the employed hardware when providing standard-compliant grid regulation services via V2G technology. Ultimately, a set of simulations demonstrates that the designed EV charger model replicates accurately the operating conditions of the real hardware.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number21
    JournalWorld Electric Vehicle Journal
    Issue number2
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • CHAdeMO
    • Commercial EV chargers
    • Electric vehicles
    • Vehicle-to-grid


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