Technologies for tunable gamma-ray lenses

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    The tunable gamma-ray lens has turned out to be a promising alternative to the classical fixedenergy Laue-lenses discussed in the past. We describe here our development work on a miniature pedestal with one-axis tilt adjustment. We also outline our design for an optical system, capable of monitoring the alignment of the many crystals needed. An added benefit of the tunable crystal pedestal is that it relieves both the demands for high precision in the crystal mounting and the stringent requirements for long-term stability of the support platform on which the crystals are mounted. Moreover, mounting the individual crystals on separate pedestals facilitates the use of double layers of crystals.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalExperimental Astronomy
    Pages (from-to)165–179
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Gamma-ray astronomy,
    • Telescope technology
    • Laue lenses


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