Techno-economic assessment of the solar-assisted heat pump latent heat thermal energy storage system for water heating

Xin Jin, Shi You, Gongsheng Huang, Alvin C. K. Lai

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


A novel solar-assisted heat pump heating system including the latent heat thermal energy storage component that enables flexible switching between different connection modes was developed in this study to provide a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for hot water supply. The feasibility, energy efficiency, and economic performance of the system under different design parameters and operation modes were evaluated via the experimental validated numerical model of the heating system. The end-user loads and meteorological parameters highly affected the system performance under the same design scheme. The optimal system configuration and component size for promoting renewable energy penetration and decreasing electricity cost were further determined. A certain increment in the collection area substantially benefits system performance, resulting in an approximately 56.6 % reduction in energy consumption. The larger capacity of the heat pump reflects a slight improvement in the system performance; however, it would require a longer payback period. Compared with the single solar and air heat source, the energy consumption of the hybrid heat source system declined by 26.6 % and 68.0 %, respectively. The system implementing the demand-side management proved to be a more profitable solution, exhibiting a low carbon emission of 188.1 kg, significant potential to flatten peak load, and a large lifecycle cost saving of $1834.64.
Original languageEnglish
Article number113657
JournalEnergy and Buildings
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Solar-assisted heat pump
  • Latent heat thermal energy storage
  • Energy efficiency
  • System sizing
  • Economic and environment viability


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