Technical Feasibility of Ancillary Services provided by ReGen Plants

Müfit Altin, Xue Han, Anca Daniela Hansen, Rasmus Løvenstein Olsen, Nicolaos Antonio Cutululis, Florin Iov

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report is the first deliverable in WP1 in the project “Ancillary services from renewable power plants” (RePlan). RePlan is funded as PSO project 2015 no. 12347 by the Danish PSO-programme ForskEL, which is administered by Energinet.DK. RePlan is carried out in collaboration between DTU Wind Energy, DTU Elektro, Aalborg University Energy Technology, Aalborg University Wireless Communication Networks and Vestas Wind System A/S. DTU Wind Energy is manager of the project.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDTU Wind Energy
    Number of pages36
    ISBN (Print)978-87-93278-55-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    SeriesDTU Wind Energy E


    • DTU Wind Energy E-0099
    • DTU Wind Energy E-99


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