Tailoring the parametric gain in large mode areahybrid photonic crystal fibers

Sidsel Rübner Petersen, Jesper Lægsgaard, Thomas Tanggaard Alkeskjold

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    The spectral width of parametric gain peaks due to degenerate four-wave mixing is investigated numerically in large-mode-area hybrid photonic crystal fibers. The width is varied for a maintained pump wavelength and gain maximum position by tailoring the dispersion.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFrontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX
    Number of pages2
    PublisherOptical Society of America
    Publication date2013
    ISBN (Print)978-1-55752-987-9
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    EventFrontiers in Optics 2013 (FiO)/Laser Science XXIX (LS) - Orlando, Florida, United States
    Duration: 6 Oct 201310 Oct 2013


    ConferenceFrontiers in Optics 2013 (FiO)/Laser Science XXIX (LS)
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityOrlando, Florida
    Internet address

    Bibliographical note

    This paper was published in Frontiers in Optics 2013 and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=FiO-2013-FM3B.5. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.


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