System for optical sorting of microscopic objects

Jesper Glückstad (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The present invention relates to a system for optical sorting of microscopic objects and corresponding method. An optical detection system (52) is capable of determining the positions of said first and/or said second objects. One or more force transfer units (200, 205, 210, 215) are placed in a first reservoir, the one or more force units being suitable for optical momentum transfer. An electromagnetic radiation source (42) yields a radiation beam (31, 32) capable of optically displacing the force transfer units from one position to another within the first reservoir (1R). The force transfer units are displaced from positions away from the first objects to positions close to the first objects, and then displacing the first objects via a contact force (300) between the first objects and the force transfer units facilitates an optical sorting of the first objects and the second objects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2014117784
    Filing date07/08/2014
    Priority date04/02/2013
    Priority numberEP20130153942
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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