Synthesis of erbium oxide nanosheets and up-conversion properties

X. B. Chen, Cen Wang, X.R. Hu, Kenny Ståhl, J.Z. Jiang

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


A novel erbium-based compound as well as Er2O3 nanosheets have been synthesized through a simple hydrothermal route. The nanosheets are of 200 nm width and 10–15 nm thickness. It is suggested that this erbium-based compound has a possible formula of Er2O5H4 with a primitive tetragonal structure (cell parameters: a = 8.465(1) and c = 15.117(2) Å). Face-centered cubic and body-centered cubic structured Er2O3 nanosheets were obtained after calcination of this compound at 623 and 973 K, respectively, both having a paramagnetic behavior. Er2O5H4 and Er2O3 nanosheets have similar up-conversion properties with strong blue emission, which is rarely reported in the literature. The existence of absorbed surface contaminations in nanosheets might be the origin for the blue emission enhancement.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number29
Pages (from-to)295708
Publication statusPublished - 2011

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