Sustainable lake restoration: From challenges to solutions

Olga Tammeorg*, Ingrid Chorus, Bryan Spears, Peeter Nõges, Gertrud K. Nürnberg, Priit Tammeorg, Martin Søndergaard, Erik Jeppesen, Hans Paerl, Brian Huser, Jukka Horppila, Tom Jilbert, Agnieszka Budzyńska, Renata Dondajewska‐Pielka, Ryszard Gołdyn, Sina Haasler, Seppo Hellsten, Laura H. Härkönen, Mina Kiani, Anna KozakNiina Kotamäki, Katarzyna Kowalczewska‐Madura, Silvia Newell, Leena Nurminen, Tiina Nõges, Kasper Reitzel, Joanna Rosińska, Jukka Ruuhijärvi, Soila Silvonen, Christian Skov, Tamara Važić, Anne‐Mari Ventelä, Guido Waajen, Miquel Lürling

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Sustainable management of lakes requires us to overcome ecological, economic, and social challenges. These challenges can be addressed by focusing on achieving ecological improvement within a multifaceted, co‐beneficial context. In‐lake restoration measures may promote more rapid ecosystem responses than is feasible with catchment measures alone, even if multiple interventions are needed. In particular, we identify restoration methods that support the overarching societal target of a circular economy through the use of nutrients, sediments, or biomass that are removed from a lake, in agriculture, as food, or for biogas production. In this emerging field of sustainable restoration techniques, we show examples, discuss benefits and pitfalls, and flag areas for further research and development. Each lake should be assessed individually to ensure that restoration approaches will effectively address lake‐specific problems, do not harm the target lake or downstream ecosystems, are cost‐effective, promote delivery of valuable ecosystem services, minimize conflicts in public interests, and eliminate the necessity for repeated interventions. Achieving optimal, sustainable results from lake restoration relies on multidisciplinary research and close interactions between environmental, social, political, and economic sectors.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1689
JournalWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water
Issue number2
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Sustainable lake restoration
  • Socio-economic benefits
  • Eutrophication
  • Nutrient recycling
  • Cathment and in-lake measurements


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