Sustainable Heating/Cooling for Low Energy Buildings: Experimental Evaluation of Indoor Environment in Residential Rooms with Different Heating/Cooling Concepts

M. Krajčík, Bjarne W. Olesen, D. Petráš

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Experimental evaluation is one of the means that allow thorough investigation of the indoor environment in a room. Providing that the measurement procedures are correct and that the investigator has the necessary experimental equipment available, experimental measurements can provide results with high accuracy and under well defined boundary conditions, which can be further verified by field measurements or used for validation of a computer simulation. A set of experimental studies of air distribution, ventilation effectiveness and thermal environment were carried out in a simulated room heated/cooled and ventilated by different concepts, at various boundary conditions, differing in supply air temperature, floor temperature, simulated heat gain/heat loss, nominal air change rate and positions of air terminal devices. The experimental room simulated corresponds to a residential room or a single office room located in a low-energy building. Procedures and indicators that can be successfully used for experimental investigations of indoor environment are described and a sample of measured data is reported.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationE-nova International Congress 2012 : Nachhaltige Gebäude Ansprüche-Anforderungen-Herausforderungen
    Number of pages8
    Publication date2012
    ISBN (Print)978-3-9502452-2-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventE-nova International Congress 2012: Nachhaltige Gebäude - Campus Pinkafeld, Pinkafeld, Austria
    Duration: 22 Nov 201223 Nov 2012


    ConferenceE-nova International Congress 2012
    LocationCampus Pinkafeld


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