Sustainable energy research at DTU: Energy systems integration for the transition to non-fossil energy systems

Hans Hvidtfeldt Larsen (Editor), Leif Sønderberg Petersen (Editor), Rolf Haugaard Nielsen, Morten Andersen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportCommunication

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    In the coming years, Denmark and other countries worldwide are set to increase their focus on transforming their energy supplies towards more sustainablew technologies. As part of this process, they can make extensive use of the knowledge generated by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The university is in the international vanguard of knowledge and research in the field of sustainable energy. With as many as 1,000 employees spread across a large number of departments, the university possesses extensive expertise on a wide range of energy technologies and energy systems. Research is carried out in close cooperation with internationally leading institutions and experts.
    Based on a wealth of core competencies, DTU takes a broadand holistic approach to energy research within both energy supply and consumption. Against this background, DTU identifies, presents and discusses new energy technologies, energy systems and energy consumption in buildings, the transport sector and for lighting purposes. The university alsolooks at challenges, opportunities and limitations.This publication present a selection of the sustainable energy related activities at DTU, which all point towards future sustainable energy systems where security of supply, climate concerns and new green economic growth go hand in hand.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages34
    ISBN (Electronic)978-87-550-3971-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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