Suppressed plastic deformation at blunt crack tips due to strain gradient effects

Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, Stergios Goutianos

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    Large deformation gradients occur near a crack-tip and strain gradient dependent crack-tip deformation and stress fields are expected. Nevertheless, for material length scales much smaller than the scale of the deformation gradients, a conventional elastic-plastic solution is obtained. On the other hand, for significant large material length scales, a conventional elastic solution is obtained. This transition in behaviour is investigated based on a finite strain version of the Fleck-Hutchinson strain gradient plasticity model from 2001. The predictions show that for a wide range of material parameters, the transition from the conventional elastic-plastic to the elastic solution occurs for length scales ranging from 0.001 times the size of the plastic zone to a length scale of the same order of magnitude as the plastic zone.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Solids and Structures
    Issue number25-26
    Pages (from-to)4430-4436
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Materials research
    • Light strong materials for wind turbines and for transportation


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