Summary of the Advanced Stellar Compass: Test and Verification Status

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    The current version of the Advanced Stellar Compass (ASC) is an improved implementation of the instrument developed for the Danish Geomagnetic Research Satellite Ørsted. The Ørsted version was successfully tested in space on the NASA sounding rocket "Thunderstorm III", that was launched September 2. 1995. During the flight, an attitude accuracy of 15-20 arcseconds was achieved, in spite of the rotation speed of the payload of 6 deg/sec being 5 times higher than the design limit. The instrument, now ready for flight and integrated in the Ørsted satellite, has an accuracy of 3" absolute, proven during several real-sky tests. The new version of the instrument was developed in order to further miniaturize the system, improve the update rate, the accuracy and the robustness. Currently, this version has been successfully integrated into two spacecraft; the Swedish micro satellite "Astrid II" and the ESTEC/ESA test satellite TEAMSAT. Two instruments for the German CHAMP satellite will be delivered in 1998. The instrument is the baseline attitude system for several NASA satellites, such as the JPL-designed X2000-programme
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 1997

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