Suggestive maximum limits for lead and cadmium in food contact materials

DTU Fødevareinstituttet

Research output: Memorandum/expositionMemorandum

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The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) has asked the DTU National Food Institute, to bring forward a suggestion for new national maximum limits regarding the migration of lead and cadmium from ceramic, glass and enamelled food contact materials. The institute has been informed that for the foreseeable future, there is no prospect of any revisions of the currently applicable European maximum limits from 1984. Other countries are also considering implementing national maximum limits. DVFA has underlined that the suggested maximum limits, if possible, should be based on health derived limits with due consideration for the analytical challenges. DVFA has requested that the memo is written in English.

Expertise regarding migration analysis of metals from food contact materials is today located at the DVFA’s laboratory in Ringsted. Therefore, the information described in the memo regarding the migration analysis was prepared by DVFA themself.

This memo is strictly a suggestive working document intended to assist the DVFA in the regulatory process. Setting maximum limits is risk management and thus the prerogative of the DVFA.
Translated title of the contributionForslag til nationale grænseværdier for bly og cadmium i fødevarekontaktmaterialer
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Number of pages20
Project No.24/1014518
ApplicantDanish Veterinary and Food Administration
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

NB: The fulltext has been updated on 28th of January 2025 with a new headline for table 1.


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