Study on Short-term Variability of Ship Responses in Waves – Part II: Examination of the correlation method

Toshio Iseki, Ulrik Dam Nielsen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Short-term variability of ship responses is investigated by cross-spectrum analysis. In a steady state condition, it is well known that a certain length of sampled data is required for stable results of the spectral analysis. However, the phase lag between responses, in terms of the phase angle of the cross-spectra, has not been discussed in detail. Analyzing long stationary time series by direct Fourier transform, the authors pointed out that the short-term variability of the relative phase angle of the cross-spectra was very harmful to sea state estimation of the wave buoy analogy. In this report, the same investigation based on the correlation (Blackman-Tukey) method was applied to the same data. In the results, it was observed that the short-term variability of the relative phase angle was reduced to a certain extent.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 139th Conference of Japan Institute of Navigation
    Number of pages4
    PublisherJapan Institute of Navigation - JIN
    Publication date2018
    Article numberK139-25
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventConference of Japan Institute of Navigation 2018 (JIN2018) - Toyama, Japan
    Duration: 26 Oct 201827 Oct 2018


    ConferenceConference of Japan Institute of Navigation 2018 (JIN2018)


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