Study of CO2 heat pump cycle layout for full electrification of milk powder spray dryer

Jierong Liang, Riccardo Bergamini, J. L. Poulsen, J. U. Nielsen, Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Dhivakaran Jayakumar, Jonas Kjær Jensen, Brian Elmegaard

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The utility energy demand of spray dryers is the highest among the process operations of milk powder plants. This is mostly due to heating of air up to ~240 °C from ambient temperature, which results in significant use of thermal energy, conventionally supplied by combustion of fossil fuels. The exhaust air of the spray dryer can be utilized for heat recovery. The energy efficiency improvement potential is limited when only employing direct heat recovery, due to a large need for heat at high temperatures. High-temperature heat pump (HTHP) integration provides a full electrification possibility to substitute steam and natural gas consumption. However, considerable exergy losses due to the heat transfer temperature difference between refrigerants and process air hinder the integration of HTHP for providing heating in the full temperature span. In this study, a baseline CO2 transcritical HTHP layout, which includes discretized gas coolers and internal heat exchanger is investigated for such a large temperature glide and multiple heating temperature application. In addition to this, the interaction between heat pump configuration, heat exchanger network layout, spray drying process and production, and energy-saving potential is analyzed in this study. The gas coolers in the layout are divided into subcomponents to achieve a good temperature profile match between heating air and refrigerants. A maximum total COP of 2.68, a minimum levelized cost of heat of 27.8 €/MWh, and a payback time of 8.6 years were obtained at a discharge pressure of 23 MPa.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration
Number of pages11
PublisherInternational Institute of Refrigeration
Publication date2023
Article number0636
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-36215-055-5
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event26th International Congress of Refrigeration - Paris Congress Center, Paris, France
Duration: 21 Aug 202325 Aug 2023


Conference26th International Congress of Refrigeration
LocationParis Congress Center
SeriesScience et Technique du Froid


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