title = "Studies in small angle scattering techniques. Experimental methods and examples of their use",
abstract = "Small angle scattering of neutrons, x-rays and y-rays are found among the spectroscopic methods developed in the recent years. Although these techniques differ from each other in many respects, e.g. radiation sources and technical equipment needed, their power to resolve physical phenomena and areas of application can be discussed in a general scheme. This is the subject of the first part of this report. The rest of the report gives selected examples illustrating the use of specific technical methods. Jahn-Teller driven structural phase transitions in Rare Earth zircons were studied with neutron scattering as well as small angle y-ray diffraction. The study of neutron scattering from formations of magnetic domains in the Ising ferromagnet LiTbF4, is a second example. Both these examples represent more than experimental test cases since the theoretical interpretations of the data obtained are discussed as well. As a last example the use of small angle scattering methods for the study of molecular biological samples is discussed. In particular the experimental procedures Used in connection with scattering from aqueous solutions of proteins and protein complexes are given. ",
keywords = "Ris{\o}-R-396",
author = "K. M{\o}llenbach",
year = "1980",
language = "English",
isbn = "87-550-0582-2",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "396",
publisher = "Ris{\o} National Laboratory",