Structuring polymer blends with bicontinuous phase morphology. Part II. Tailoring blends with ultralow critical volume fraction

Jørgen Lyngaae-Jørgensen, Leszek Utracki

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A hypothesis providing a guideline for the development of immiscible polymer blends with co-continuous phase structure at very low critical volume fraction of one component is. postulated and experimentally verified. Based on a number of simplifying assumptions the following relation was derived: phi(cr) = k(lambdagamma)(1-z)/(theta(b)(*))(z) where lambdagamma is a Deborah number and theta(b)(*) is a dimensionless break-up time. The equation parameters, k and z are constant that depend on the flow field hence on the blending equipment. For the studies an internal mixer with Walzenkneter-type 30 mixing shafts was used. For this equipment the experimental values of the equation parameters, k = 1801 and z = 2.01, were found. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)1661-1669
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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