Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Heusler alloys Ni50Mn38Sb12 with boron addition

Ngo Van Nong, N.T. Tai, N.T. Huy, N.T. Trung, Christian Robert Haffenden Bahl, Radha Krishnan Venkatesh, Finn Willy Poulsen, Nini Pryds

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    We report on the structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the Ni50Mn38Sb12Bx alloys in term of boron addition with x=1, 3 and 5. We have found that both the paramagnetic–ferromagnetic austenitic transition (TC) and the ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic martensitic transition (TM) are sensitively influenced by the boron addition: TC tends to increase, while TM decreases with increasing boron concentration. Temperature dependent X-ray diffraction in the range of 200–500K clearly shows an evolution of the structural transformation from orthorhombic to cubic structure phase transition on heating for the x=1 and 3 samples. Strikingly, the addition of boron atoms into the lattice favours the ferromagnetic ordering relatively to the antiferromagnetic arrangement below TM. This consequently affects on the magneto-structural transition as well as on the size of magnetocaloric effect.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMaterials Science & Engineering: B. Solid-state Materials for Advanced Technology
    Issue number16
    Pages (from-to)1322-1325
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Magnetic refrigeration


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