Strategic manual for EV charger installations

Lisa Calearo, Mattia Marinelli

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    The strategical manual is a tool to help municipalities, without deep knowledge on charging infrastructures, during the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers.
    The strategic manual is divided in four chapters, each one described with different steps to be followed during the charger installation:
     The preparation work guides the user from the initial idea of installing a charger, considering site location evaluation, charger size, expenses.
     The on-site evaluation guides the user on deeper and final characterization of site location and charger size. This chapter mainly focuses on national and local guidelines, space selection, such as visibility, accessibility, proximity to power source, etc..
     The installation chapter is a checklist to follow during the installation. This should be used when charger and location are settled and the manual user has all the permits for the installation (including engineering and economic calculations).
     The maintenance chapter gives an idea of which kind of works have to be considered during the lifetime of a charger and as a consequence the correlated costs to the charger during its lifetime.
    Finally, the manual presents the three main topics that drive the decision making for the charger investment and which are constantly correlated with the four chapters above: economic feasibility, technical feasibility and customer acceptance. For each topic some help question lists are provided.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2019

    Bibliographical note

    EU interreg project CAR project, peer reviewed deliverable, July 2019.


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