Steady-state, elastic-plastic growth of slanted cracks in symmetrically loaded plates

Kim Lau Nielsen, J. W. Hutchinson

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    Elastic and elastic-plastic results are obtained for a semi-infinite slanted through-crack propagating in a symmetrically loaded plate strip with the aim of providing theoretical background to commonly observed plate tearing behavior. Were it is not for the slant of the crack through the thickness of the plate, the problem would be mode I, but due to the slant the local conditions along the crack front are a combination of mode I and mode III. A three-dimensional formulation for steady-state crack propagation is employed to generate distributions of effective stress, stress triaxiality and Lode parameter through the plate in the plastic zone at the crack tip. The distribution of the mode I and mode III stress intensity factors along the crack front are obtained for the elastic problem. The out-of-plane bending constraint imposed on the plate significantly influences the mixed mode behavior along the crack front. The solution is examined for clues as to why propagating slant cracks sometimes undergo a transition and flip about 90° to propagate with the opposite slant orientation.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Impact Engineering
    Pages (from-to)286-294
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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