State of the art and research gaps in wind farm control - Results of a recent workshop

Gregor Giebel, Tuhfe Göçmen, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Paul A. Fleming, Jennifer King

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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    The promise of advanced Wind Farm Control (WFC) of increased power and reduced loads through coordinated control of all turbines in a wind farm has been around for more than a decade. Many groups have worked on different aspects and with different methods to solidify the knowledge about the potentials and control approaches. However, it still is not commercially available. The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the EU funded FarmConners Coordination Action sponsored a recent Topical Expert Meeting on state of the art and research gaps in WFC.

    The first activity of the FarmConners project was a workshop and subsequent paper on the currently available knowledge, both as abstract knowledge and as existing data sets. The workshop (held in Amsterdam on 25 September 2019) was attended by more than 50 experts around the world, of which many are collaborating in FarmConners. Alongside keynote speeches, the results of two online questionnaires and regular talks presenting and summarising the current knowledge and existing datasets for verification, some sessions also discussed a way forward.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2019
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019
    EventWindEurope Offshore 2019: Our energy, our future - Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 26 Nov 201928 Nov 2019


    ConferenceWindEurope Offshore 2019
    LocationBella Center
    Internet address


    • PO.054


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