The invention provides a method for the formation of a thin film multi-layered heterostructure upon a substrate, said method comprising the steps of: a. providing a substrate; b. depositing a buffer layer upon said substrate, said buffer layer being a layer of stable ionic conductor (B); c. depositing a layer A upon said buffer layer, said layer A being a layer of fast ionic conductor (A), said layer A having a thickness (tA) of 20 nm or less; d. depositing a layer B upon said layer A, said layer B being a layer of stable ionic conductor (B), said layer B having a thickness (tB ) of 150 nm or less; and e. repeating steps b. and c. a total of N times, such that N repeating pairs of layers (A/B) are built up, wherein N is 1 or more. The invention also provides a thin film multi-layered heterostructure as such, and the combination of a thin film multi-layered heterostructure and a substrate. The heterostructure finds use as an electroceramic, in particular in SOFCs.
Original language | English |
IPC | H01M8/02; H01M8/12 |
Patent number | WO2015004237 |
Filing date | 15/01/2015 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 10/07/2013 |
Priority number | EP20130175901 |
Publication status | Published - 2015 |