title = "SpinnerLidar measurements for the CCAV52",
abstract = "We provide an analysis of measurements for the cross-cutting activity (CCA) V52 at the Ris{\o} test site, in which a SpinnerLidar was mounted on the nacelle of the V52 wind turbine to characterize the inflow of the turbine. Measurements from cup and sonic anemometers at a meteorological mast deployed at about 2.3 rotor diameters from the turbine are used as reference for evaluation of the SpinnerLidar-derived inflow conditions. We find a very good agreement between the mean wind speeds derived from the measurements of the SpinnerLidar and those of the meteorological mast but a bias in the mean wind shear. We also find that we can accurately estimate the components of the Reynolds stress tensor using the SpinnerLidar measurements when compared to estimates using sonic anemometer measurements. The variation with height of the along-wind velocity variance using the SpinnerLidar measurements shows the opposite behavior as that observed using the sonic anemometer measurements. We also describe the output tables in which the SpinnerLidar post processed measurements are stored.",
author = "Alfredo Pe{\~n}a and Jakob Mann and {Rolighed Thorsen}, Gunhild",
year = "2019",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-87-93549-45-6",
volume = "0177",
series = "DTU Wind Energy E",
publisher = "DTU Wind Energy",
address = "Denmark",