Spin-Polarizing Electron Beam Splitter from Crossed Graphene Nanoribbons

Sofia Sanz, Nick Papior, Géza Giedke, Daniel Sánchez-Portal, Mads Brandbyge, Thomas Frederiksen

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Junctions composed of two crossed graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have been theoretically proposed as electron beam splitters where incoming electron waves in one GNR can be split coherently into propagating waves in two outgoing terminals with nearly equal amplitude and zero back-scattering. Here we scrutinize this effect for devices composed of narrow zigzag GNRs taking explicitly into account the role of Coulomb repulsion that leads to spin-polarized edge states within mean-field theory. We show that the beam-splitting effect survives the opening of the well-known correlation gap and, more strikingly, that a spin-dependent scattering potential emerges which spin polarizes the transmitted electrons in the two outputs. By studying different ribbons and intersection angles we provide evidence that this is a general feature with edge-polarized nanoribbons. A near-perfect polarization can be achieved by joining several junctions in series. Our findings suggest that GNRs are interesting building blocks in spintronics and quantum technologies with applications for interferometry and entanglement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number037701
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number3
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2022


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