Kyriazanos, DM, Olesen, H, Hammershøj, AD, Heinze, EKS, Bessler, S, Zeiss, J, Patrikakis, CZ, Nikolakopoulos, G, Amundsen, S, Thuvesson, H, Cimmino, A, Novelli, P, Olsen, R, Prasad, N, Bauer, M, Armknecht, F, Pashalidis, A, Masmoudi, K, Girod Genet, KM & Moerman, I 2007,
Specification of user profile, identity and role management for PNs and integration to the PN platform. IST project MAGNET Beyond (My Personal Adaptive Global Net and Beyond), no. Deliverable D4.3.2 (D1.2.2), IST project MAGNET Beyond (My Personal Adaptive Global Net and Beyond).