Soliton Burst and Bi-Directional Switching in the Platform with Positive Thermal-Refractive Coefficient Using an Auxiliary Laser

Yanjing Zhao, Liao Chen, Chi Zhang, Weiqiang Wang, Hao Hu, Ruolan Wang, Xinyu Wang, Sai T. Chu, Brent Little, Wenfu Zhang, Xinliang Zhang*

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Dissipative Kerr solitons in optical microresonators enable the generation of stable ultrashort pulses and phase-locked frequency combs, leading to their widespread applications. For traditional platforms with positive thermal-refractive coefficient, strong thermal effect increases the difficulties of soliton triggering and prohibits the deterministic control of soliton number. Here, using an auxiliary laser to tune thermal effect, soliton burst and bi-directional switching are demonstrated in high-index doped silica glass platform. First, by varying the parameters of the auxiliary laser, the thermal effect tuning of the microresonator is studied with different thermal compensation states achieved, leading to distinct soliton switching features. Especially, the solitons burst and bi-directional switch in over-compensated state. The corresponding process is recorded in real time based on a temporal magnification system, uncovering transient dynamics from continuum background noise to soliton formation. Finally, the deterministic generation of solitons is enabled with controllable soliton number spanning from 1 to 21. The present work provides insight into soliton dynamics and enables soliton generation on demand with a large range of soliton numbers inside a single device.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2100264
JournalLaser and Photonics Reviews
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Y.Z. and L.C. contributed equally to this work. The authors gratefully acknowledged Prof. Kerry Vahala for helpful discussions and valuable suggestions for our work. The authors thank Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) for device fabrication. The authors thank Prof. Heng Zhou for heplful discussion of the thermal effect simulations. The work was supported by National Key Research and Development Project (Grant No. 2019YFB2203102), the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant Nos. 61927817, 61735006, 61631166003, 61675081, 61505060, and 62005090), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2018M640692).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH


  • Frequency comb
  • Soliton
  • Thermal effect


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